Supervision Policy for all Appointments (Initial or Ongoing)
Fees for all supervisory appointments with Lucy (Beth) Powell, LCSW, are Individual: $80 a 60-minute hour; group of 2-4 members: $40 per member per 60-minute hour. This cost also includes completion of paperwork for the supervisee. There is no charge for an initial appointment of 45 minutes to 1 hour to discuss potential supervision. All potential supervisees must familiarize themselves with the In-Family Services’ website to get a full understanding of the services offered at In-Family Services before calling to make an appointment to discuss potential supervision.
Externs are not reminded of the appointments that they have made. Missed appointment are billed in full. Late-cancelled appointments are billed at 1/2 the hourly rate.
The below are business days, not Saturdays or Sundays.
One-hour appointment: 1 day notice
Two-hour appointment: 2 days notice
A $30 dollar fee will be charged for returned checks. Time charged for the appointment begins at the time the appointment was scheduled. E-mail cancellations, scheduling, or rescheduling of appointments are not accepted. One must use the telephone to schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments.
General Information
Please do not come to your appointment more than 10 or 15 minutes early.
What is said in this office will remain private and confidential within the guidelines of HIPAA, Texas House Bill 300, NASW, and the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. The people who work here are under an oath of confidentiality. It is a requirement for this office to keep CEU records. There are exemptions to the confidentiality rule. In situations involving child abuse, there is a legal and ethical responsibility to report the abuse to Children’s Protective Services (CPS). If it is determined that someone is a danger to him or herself or others, then an action to protect must happen. If an agency is paying for your supervision, then it has access to your records.